The excerpts from the full-length transcriptions have been organized into the topics below which are in the Lips of Clay Transcriptions book and can be ordered through Amazon. Within this website you can download the Master File that contains the all the excerpts contained under these headings.
Angels, Ministering Spirits | New Testament People and Events | |
Bible, Word of God, Scriptures | Old Testament People and Events | |
Bride, Body of Christ, the Church | Praise, Singing, Worship | |
Creation of the Universe, Earth, Mankind | Prayer, Intercession | |
Death, Judgment, Hell | Purpose of Life, Why We are Here | |
Deception, Falling Away, the Last Days | Rapture, Millennial, New Heavens and Earth | |
Enemy, Lucifer, Opposing Spirits | Salvation, Born Again, Set Free, New Life | |
Evangelism, Being a Witness, a Light | Spiritual Coasting, Lukewarm Heart | |
Faith, Perseverance, Spiritual Growth | Spiritual Gifts, Pentecost, Baptism in H.S. | |
Free Will, Personal Choice, Decision Making | Spiritual Warfare, Training for Battle | |
Giving, Tithing, Riches, Wealth | Temple of the H. S., New Testament Priest | |
Healing, Health, the Body | Trails, Temptations, Depression, Suicide | |
Heaven, the Afterlife | Will of God, Spiritual Guidance | |
Heavenly Books, Record Keeping | Working in the Harvest Fields | |
Intimacy, Fellowship with God |