The Hardin family has endeavored to prepare this personal collection for publication out of a conviction that this is what they should do with what they have been given. Furthermore, the Hardins know full well that at their most basic level, the words received by Ollen are merely a record of his own experiences. Proof of their authenticity will be a harmony with the Bible and the witness of the Holy Spirit in the hearts of God’s people.
The Hardins hope that these words assist others to become more aware that God’s love is very real, and He’s always there to listen and help his children. They'll rejoice if they can touch hearts in a life-changing way. They're praying that somewhere in this hurting world they can be part of the Holy Spirit’s continuing effort to spread the message of God’s love through Jesus Christ, and to strengthen and motivate the Church in these last days before the Lord’s personal return to earth.
If these messages have made a positive impact in your spiritual life, the Editor would be pleased to hear from you. You can contact him at KEN42418@VERIZON.NET.